How to remove pomegranate stains

Pomegranates are a delicious and nutritious fruit, but they can also be a real pain when it comes to stains. The deep red color of pomegranate juice can wreak havoc on fabrics, carpets, and even skin, leaving unsightly marks that are tricky to remove.

If you’re dealing with a pomegranate stain, don’t despair. With the right techniques and products, you can get your clothes, upholstery, and surfaces looking good as new. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the best methods for tackling pomegranate stains on a variety of surfaces.

remove pomegranate stains

Pomegranate stains are particularly stubborn because the pigments that give the fruit its vibrant color are highly concentrated and difficult to break down. These pigments, known as anthocyanins, are water-soluble and can easily seep into porous materials like fabrics and carpets.

The longer a pomegranate stain is left untreated, the more time the pigments have to set in and become even harder to remove. That’s why it’s important to act quickly when dealing with a pomegranate spill or splash.

Tackling Pomegranate Stains on Clothes

Pomegranate stains on clothing can be one of the most frustrating types of stains to deal with. The good news is that with the right approach, you can usually get your clothes looking as good as new.

Here’s how to remove pomegranate stains from fabrics:

  1. Blot the Stain: As soon as you notice a pomegranate stain, gently blot the affected area with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel. This will help to soak up as much of the juice as possible before it has a chance to set.
  2. Run Under Cold Water: Rinse the stained area with cold water. Avoid using hot water, as this can actually set the stain.
  3. Apply a Stain Remover: Look for a stain remover that is specifically designed to tackle fruit and berry stains, such as OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover or Persil ProClean Stain Fighter. Apply it directly to the stain, following the instructions on the product. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the active ingredients to work.
  4. Launder as Usual: Wash the item of clothing as you normally would, using the hottest water temperature that’s safe for the fabric. You can also add a bit of white vinegar or lemon juice to the wash cycle to help break down the stain.
  5. Avoid the Dryer: If the stain is still visible after washing, do not put the item in the dryer, as the heat can set the stain further. Instead, hang it to air dry, and check the stain again before attempting another wash.

For particularly stubborn pomegranate stains, you may need to repeat the process a few times or try a more heavy-duty stain removal product, like Clorox Stain Remover. Just be sure to always test any products on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to ensure they don’t cause any damage.

Removing Pomegranate Stains from Carpets and Upholstery

Pomegranate stains on carpets and upholstery can be even more challenging to tackle than those on clothing. The porous nature of these materials can make it easy for the stain to penetrate deep into the fibers.

Here’s how to remove pomegranate stains from carpets and upholstery:

  1. Blot the Stain: As with clothing, start by blotting the affected area with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel to soak up as much of the spill as possible.
  2. Use a Stain Remover: Look for a stain remover that is specifically formulated for use on carpets and upholstery, such as Resolve Carpet Cleaner or Folex Carpet Spot Remover. Apply it directly to the stain, following the instructions on the product.
  3. Blot and Rinse: Once the stain remover has had a chance to work, blot the area again with a clean cloth or paper towel. If the stain is still visible, you can try rinsing the area with a small amount of cold water.
  4. Repeat as Needed: For stubborn stains, you may need to repeat the process a few times, using a clean cloth or paper towel each time. Be sure to blot the area thoroughly to avoid pushing the stain deeper into the fibers.
  5. Allow to Dry Completely: Once the stain has been removed, allow the carpet or upholstery to dry completely before using the area again.

If the stain is particularly stubborn or has set in over time, you may need to call in a professional carpet or upholstery cleaning service. They have access to more powerful cleaning solutions and equipment that can often tackle even the toughest pomegranate stains.

Removing Pomegranate Stains from Skin and Hands

Pomegranate stains aren’t just a problem for fabrics and surfaces – they can also be a real pain when it comes to our skin and hands. The deep red color can linger for hours, leaving our hands and fingers looking like we’ve been fingerpainted.

Fortunately, there are a few simple tricks for removing pomegranate stains from skin:

  1. Use Lemon Juice: The citric acid in lemon juice can help to break down the pigments in pomegranate juice, making it an effective stain remover. Simply rub a slice of lemon directly onto the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.
  2. Try Baking Soda: Another household staple that can be helpful for removing pomegranate stains is baking soda. Make a paste with baking soda and water and gently scrub it onto the stained skin, then rinse.
  3. Exfoliate: Using a gentle exfoliating scrub or brush, like Neutrogena Healthy Skin Boosting Scrub, can help to slough off the top layer of skin where the stain is lingering. Just be sure not to scrub too hard, as this can irritate the skin.
  4. Use Dish Soap: The degreasing agents in dish soap, such as Dawn Ultra Dish Soap, can be effective at breaking down pomegranate stains. Lather up your hands with dish soap and scrub, then rinse thoroughly.
  5. Try Toothpaste: Believe it or not, the abrasive properties in toothpaste can also help to remove pomegranate stains from skin. Gently rub a small amount of toothpaste, like Crest Pro-Health Advanced, onto the affected area, then rinse.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to moisturize your hands well after removing a pomegranate stain, as the acidity or abrasiveness of the cleaning agents can be drying to the skin.

Preventing Pomegranate Stains

The best way to deal with pomegranate stains is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are some tips for keeping pomegranate stains at bay:

  1. Wear an Apron: When handling pomegranates, be sure to wear an apron or other protective clothing, like a Crate and Barrel Striped Apron, to keep the juice from splattering onto your clothes.
  2. Use a Cutting Board: Cut pomegranates on a cutting board, such as the Epicurean Cutting Board, rather than directly on your countertop or table, as this will make it easier to contain any spills or splashes.
  3. Avoid Eating Over Carpets or Upholstery: If possible, save your pomegranate snacking for the kitchen or another hard-surface area, where any spills can be easily cleaned up.
  4. Clean Up Spills Immediately: As soon as you notice a pomegranate spill, take action to clean it up right away. The longer a stain sits, the harder it will be to remove.
  5. Wear Gloves: When handling pomegranates, consider wearing a pair of disposable gloves to protect your hands from staining.

By taking these simple precautions, you can help to minimize the risk of pomegranate stains and make any that do occur much easier to remove.


Pomegranate stains can be a real challenge, but with the right techniques and products, you can get your clothes, carpets, and skin looking good as new.

Remember to act quickly, use the right cleaning agents, and be gentle with the affected area. And if all else fails, don’t be afraid to call in the professionals for a deep clean.

With a little bit of effort, you can enjoy the delicious taste of pomegranates without having to worry about unsightly stains ruining your day. Happy cleaning!

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As the founder of Clean It Spotless, I am Melissa Walker, a leading expert in removing tough stains from fabrics, carpets, and upholstery. With over 10 years of experience in the cleaning industry, I have developed my own natural, non-toxic stain-fighting formulas that lift stains while preserving the integrity of the underlying material. My stain removal tutorials are widely read online, and I have appeared on local TV segments demonstrating my techniques. I also present popular stain removal workshops at community centers and schools.